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Monday, August 14, 2017

To Wager Her Heart by Tamera Alexander is the third book in Alexander's Belle Meade Plantation trilogy. While each book is stand alone and can be read as such, there are the same characters in all three novels. To Wager Her Heart centers around Alexandra Donelson, a young woman in her mid-twenties in Nashville in the 1870s. She wants help educate freedmen, despite her family's belief that it is not appropriate for a young woman of her station.

Alexandra meets Sylas Rutledge, a railroad man from Colorado. Though she has a terrible first impression of him, circumstances keep throwing them together. Eventually a relationship develops between the two of them that blooms into more.

I'm usually not a fan of romance novels. However, the historical aspect of this book made me willing to give it a shot. I'm glad I did. Alexander's writing style flows quickly. The pace was quick but not at the expense of character insight and development. Anyone who enjoys historical fiction or romance novels will enjoy To Wager Her Heart.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookLook book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Paul the Apostle: Missionary, Martyr, Theologian by Robert E. Picirilli is a critical examination of the life and ministry of Paul the Apostle. This is meant to be a middle of the road book, such as a college textbook. Paul the Apostle isn't for the casual reader, nor is it an in depth look at all the minutiae others critically examine.

This is a great resource for pastors and students of theology. It is kind of a slog to read straight through, but since that isn't its intended purpose, that isn't a huge problem. The writing is accessible and the structure is very easy to follow. Whether one wants more information about a particular letter, missionary journey, or time in Paul's life, it is easy to find what one needs. There is also plenty of other resources listed if one does want to take a closer examination of a particular aspect of Paul's life.

I received this book free from Moody Publishers as part of their Moody Publishers Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, See Part 255