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Monday, November 27, 2017
Long Before Luther: Tracing the Heart of the Gospel From Christ to the Reformation by Nathan Busenitz traces the main themes of the Reformation back through history to the ancient church.

Some claim that the theological beliefs championed by the reformers such as Calvin, Luther, and Zwingli were unheard of before in Christian history. Though the reformers claimed they were fighting against the excesses of the Catholic faith and bringing it back to a truer gospel, some of their opponents (from their contemporaries to modern day) insist that there is no historical or theological basis for their doctrines, especially that of salvation through faith alone. This book is Busenitz's attempt to disprove this claim.

Busenitz examines all of the reformers' main doctrines, but he focuses mainly on justification through faith alone. He presents writings and statements from a variety of leaders through the history of the church. He breaks the book into time periods and shows how elements of the theology of the Reformation are present going back to the very beginning of the church. There are a large number of people and works cited through this book. At the end are 100 quotes from the various church leaders quoted throughout the book that directly relate to the Reformation's theological tenets.

Long Before Luther was somewhat difficult to read. It isn't a book one can sit down and just read straight through. It is more of a reference kind of book and probably intended to be read in sections. However, it is a great resource for those interested in proving that the Reformation was not something entirely new. Busentiz did a lot of work to bring all of these sources together. Overall, anyone interested in the history of Christian theology, or in the Reformation in particular will find Long Before Luther a useful addition to their library.

I received this book free from Moody Publishers as part of their Moody Publishers Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, See Part 255